The starting point of an exciting journey, on which a whole fleet of „ships“ is rejuvenating it’s face

With a chain of more than 100 stores ANKER is not only the oldest but also the leading supplier of bread rolls, Kipferl and Coffee in Vienna. In 2019 the new management team developed a whole new communication strategy for the 130 year old viennese bakery. To design and implement the new look of their stores, an important part of their brand identity, they took us onboard to join their journey.
ANKERBROT was established in the late 19th in the era of industrialization. It had soon become one of the largest bread factories in the world at times. Already then the founders Heinrich und Fritz Mendl had understood the power of branding and therefore chose the Anchor, a symbol of stability and strength, not only for their emblem but also as their brandname.
In order to express the values of the company and combine them with the brand’s heritage we developed a well balanced new look. Modern but timeless, bright and friendly whites and ash wood is combined with a tiny touch of nostalgia (structured tiles) and a hand full of groundedness (stone, grey, black elements). Good acoustics and lighting were paired with curated details that round off the palette that defines ANKER’s new look.
Giving a new face to such a large chain of stores not only requires a lot of thoughtfulness but also a lot of analysis and understanding of the manyfold processes in the background. Working hand in hand with great people that are pulling in the same direction always is great pleasure. Therefore we keep improving from project to project and from store to store and the journey continues.